Tuesday 27 January 2009

Tuesday 27th January 2009

Well here I am full of cold yet again. Was not two weeks ago that I had my last one, and now, goddamnit, I have another one. It's from Lydia's nursery, they've all got colds in there, and she got it first and passed it on to us.

Real pain in the backside because I was looking forward to seeing my friend Amy tonight (she couldn't come on Friday because she was revising for her uni exams), and I've had to cancel on her. I would have felt too guilty passing a cold onto the poor lass whilst she's in her exam period. I'm so bloody bored though, so are the kids. We've been stuck in the house all day and it's a bit dire. Neither of them feels much like doing anything though - they're both full of cold and very tired and whiney. 

I sent an email to my personal tutor at uni asking if I could extend my time off uni until September 2010, and he's emailed me back saying that apparently not, as there's a new uni policy that all uni degrees at Leeds must be completed within 5 years. So I guess my uni days are over. I'm pretty depressed about that really.

In other news, I've found out that my step-brother and his wife are expecting their fourth baby in September. They only had their last one last August. Talk about fast work.

Right, that's it really.

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