Saturday 17 January 2009

Saturday 17th January 2009

Well we told my best friend Amy last night about the thing we found out last Saturday. I still don't want to mention it on here, although I will later. Just not now.

Anyway, enough about that.

I've just eaten a curry and I'm stuffed. I wasn't going to get a curry, but Phil ordered one last night and they wouldn't deliver unless the order came up to over £20 so I ended up getting myself one too and saving it for today. 
I'm very very full. And I wasn't even in the mood for a curry. I really want to start slimming world so that I have a legitimate excuse to make some nice home cooked food. I'm sick of takeaway. Phil always wants takeaway and I'm so so so sick of it. 

I guess you can tell that we haven't started slimming world yet. We were going to go on Thursday but my dad and his wife invited us out for a pub meal instead, which was very tasty, but at this rate we're never going to start it. I'm worried about Phil's health, plus I'm ridiculously overweight as well. It's not good.

My living room is a mess and I have no motivation to get off my butt and tidy it. Yes, I'm being lazy. Fat and lazy for that matter. Eugh. It's one of THOSE days where you just don't feel like doing anything. Not brilliant though I'm definitely going to get my arse into gear because otherwise come tonight I'll feel like I just wasted the day. 

The kids are fine. They're playing with their toys next to me. 

That's all, boring entry, nothing much to say.


BiancaP said...

Well, not to mention that takeaways are very expensive, as I'm sure you absolutely cripples your wallet! So there's that as well. I can send you some recipes if you want :)

Xena said...

lol thanks, it's not the lack of recipes though, it's the un-home-made-food-fan husband of mine.

I've been forcing it on him though. Made a yummy shepherds pie yesterday. He claimed he liked it but he didn't eat that much.