Friday 1 January 2010

Friday 1st January 2010

Happy New Year! Wooo!
I totally forgot about this blog, I'm hopeless aren't I. It's been nearly a year since my last entry, deary me.

Okay, a quick update on my life :

Lydia is 4 and a quarter years old, and has turned into the spawn of hell. Well, okay, not quite, but she's been so so difficult during the past year. She's like Vercua Salt - I keep expecting her to get whisked away by angry squirrels. She has her nice moments but they're few and far between. Santa got her Go Go Pets for Christmas, but he's regretting it as her behaviour doesn't warrant it. I know she's only 4, but her attitude is appalling. Okay she's not demonic, but she isn't great. She lies to us all the time, hits Alex (and has told us that she likes it when he gets hurt, and she likes it when I get hurt too!), ignores you completely when you tell her to stop it, even giving her a smack on her bum just elicits the response "that didn't hurt" with a smile on her face. I know the blame is usually with the parents, so it must be something that Phil and I are doing wrong, but we can't figure out what it is. We've tried giving her extra attention, that hasn't worked. We've tried supernanny techniques - time outs and so on - and they haven't worked. We've tried taking away toys as punishment, that hasn't worked. We've tried a star chart, and giving money every time she's good, and focusing on the positives - and that hasn't worked either. Ugh!!!! Maybe it's a phase - that's what I'm hoping. I miss my nice little girl, it's like she's been replaced by a girl I can't get through to.

Alex is 2 and a quarter (well just over) and he's adorable. Don't get me wrong he can be a little bugger sometimes, but in general he has a very sweet nature. He's growing into a very kind natured little boy. I just hope that doesn't change, he's very easily influenced by Lydia. He's teeny tiny for his age, it's a struggle to get him to eat. He's still in 12-18 month clothes. That's pretty frustrating, but the health visitor doesn't seem too concerned at this point. He comes for cuddles a lot, which is nice.

The newest addition to our family is Jason Matthew. He was born on 24th September 2009, so the day before Lydia's birthday lol, weighing just over 11lbs. Yes, that's right, ELEVEN. Let me tell you, he's such a gorgeous baby. He's so laid back and good natured, always smiling. He's so easy going, he doesn't mind having breast-milk from me, or expressed from a bottle. He doesn't mind who holds him. He loves attention and is such a bright little spark - chattering away (well squealing and so on) to anybody that talks to him. He's really a lovely lovely little lad.

I guess that's about it family wise.

It's New Year's Day, so I'm going to start my New Year's Resolution......which is........


haha yes, I know, same old familiar story, but I'm serious, this is ridiculous. I'm 26 years old now and I want to get back to some semblance of normal weight whilst I'm still in my twenties. We're not planning on having more children, so I have no excuse.

I'm going to be doing the Alternate Day Diet. Basically you eat normally on alternate days, and on the days in between you stick to eating anywhere between 20-40% of the amount of calories that you would have normally.

For the first two weeks it's best to stick to slim fast type drinks at 20% on your "down days".

So I'm starting today - 3 slim fast shakes plus diet pepsi is all I'm having today.

My new motto - "I can have it tomorrow" :)
I can have anything I want tomorrow, within reason obviously, as long as I'm eating normally and not feasting on a fast food banquet to make up for eating very little today, that would be ridiculous.

So, without further ado, starting weight : 14 stone 3.6lbs

Let the diet commence!