Friday 30 January 2009

Friday 30th January 2009

So, I have extreme backache, nausea, and a toddler who insists on headbutting me every 5 seconds. Lovely.

Oh goodie, as I typed that he threw a fit at me, launched himself off my knee whilst biting my thumb in the process, and is now standing on the floor clinging dramatically to my leg whilst screaming "WHERE DADDDDYYYYY?"

Patiently explaining to a 17 month old child that daddy is in bed because he stayed up till 6.30am working on the auction website is not getting the best reception right now.

I wish I had stayed in bed myself! But no, I had to be up at half seven as usual to take Lydia to nursery. Incidentally I'm going to have to pick her up soon. At least that will stop Alex from wailing "WHERE DYDIA???" which is what he was doing earlier.

Okay, phew, he's calmed down. He's now intently studying the cover of Bridget Jones' Diary which he has just pulled out of the DVD cabinet. He always goes for that one. Only that one. My friend Amy says he must be in need of a girly night in. That's slightly worrying!

My dad has sort of guessed my big news, although I've avoided responding to his guess directly. I changed the subject. 

I'm going to go and get Lydia now. I'm hungry I might grab a bite to eat before I go. I've not eaten anything yet today and I've been up nearly 4 hours so I think I'm entitled to a bit of brekkie!

Hasta Luego

Tuesday 27 January 2009

Tuesday 27th January 2009

Well here I am full of cold yet again. Was not two weeks ago that I had my last one, and now, goddamnit, I have another one. It's from Lydia's nursery, they've all got colds in there, and she got it first and passed it on to us.

Real pain in the backside because I was looking forward to seeing my friend Amy tonight (she couldn't come on Friday because she was revising for her uni exams), and I've had to cancel on her. I would have felt too guilty passing a cold onto the poor lass whilst she's in her exam period. I'm so bloody bored though, so are the kids. We've been stuck in the house all day and it's a bit dire. Neither of them feels much like doing anything though - they're both full of cold and very tired and whiney. 

I sent an email to my personal tutor at uni asking if I could extend my time off uni until September 2010, and he's emailed me back saying that apparently not, as there's a new uni policy that all uni degrees at Leeds must be completed within 5 years. So I guess my uni days are over. I'm pretty depressed about that really.

In other news, I've found out that my step-brother and his wife are expecting their fourth baby in September. They only had their last one last August. Talk about fast work.

Right, that's it really.

Saturday 17 January 2009

Saturday 17th January 2009

Well we told my best friend Amy last night about the thing we found out last Saturday. I still don't want to mention it on here, although I will later. Just not now.

Anyway, enough about that.

I've just eaten a curry and I'm stuffed. I wasn't going to get a curry, but Phil ordered one last night and they wouldn't deliver unless the order came up to over £20 so I ended up getting myself one too and saving it for today. 
I'm very very full. And I wasn't even in the mood for a curry. I really want to start slimming world so that I have a legitimate excuse to make some nice home cooked food. I'm sick of takeaway. Phil always wants takeaway and I'm so so so sick of it. 

I guess you can tell that we haven't started slimming world yet. We were going to go on Thursday but my dad and his wife invited us out for a pub meal instead, which was very tasty, but at this rate we're never going to start it. I'm worried about Phil's health, plus I'm ridiculously overweight as well. It's not good.

My living room is a mess and I have no motivation to get off my butt and tidy it. Yes, I'm being lazy. Fat and lazy for that matter. Eugh. It's one of THOSE days where you just don't feel like doing anything. Not brilliant though I'm definitely going to get my arse into gear because otherwise come tonight I'll feel like I just wasted the day. 

The kids are fine. They're playing with their toys next to me. 

That's all, boring entry, nothing much to say.

Thursday 15 January 2009

Thursday 15th January 2009

I'm hungry, and tired. I've just eaten dinner but I'm still hungry - I've been like this for a couple of weeks now, I could just eat and eat and eat and eat and eat like some sort of voideous whale (I know voideous isn't a word. I made it up. Meaning "void-like". In fact maybe I should have just used void-like in the first place).

Lydia is doing her first full day at nursery today. 8.45am until 2.45pm - apparently they're having minced lamb and vegetable hotpot, followed by jammy doughnuts. Sounds yummy. God there I go again I'm craving nursery food now! Geez.
I've just had a perfectly substantial meal of meatballs, potatoes, peas and carrots. And I polished off what Alex left as well from his, so I should in no way be hungry. GAH!

We're going out (well we're supposed to be anyway) for a pub meal this evening with my dad and his wife. Now that they're back together things are a bit more harmonious all round.

I'm trying to keep Alex occupied at the moment because Phil is sleeping. He stayed up all night working and didn't get to bed until 8.30am just as I was leaving to take Lydia to nursery, so he's knackered. I'll have to wake him at half 2 when I leave to pick her up. 

My mam has gone off to Egypt today. I saw her yesterday and she shoved loads of clothes for the kids at me. Some of them are really pretty - she got Lydia this gorgeous coat (second hand but who cares) and a nice new pink hat. Very nice.

I think I'm gonna go and play Spore now. Phil got me it for Christmas and I'm up to the space stage and it's really good. He also got me My Sims Kingdom for the wii but I haven't even had one go on it yet. He keeps telling me I ought to - I'll get round to it at some point.

Okay, adios

Sunday 11 January 2009

Sunday 11th January 2008

Well I had some big somewhat unexpected (although not entirely) news yesterday, which I shall not mention on here though because I don't want the whole world and his dog knowing.

In other news, Alex now has the dreaded cold. So now there are three of us spluttering around the house. Lovely.

Currently my two darlings are stuffing custard cream biscuits into Alex's Busy Ball ChooChoo train. Delightful!

My mam is off to Egypt on Thursday with my godmother. I'd like to see her before I go. She's not answering her phone though, meh...

Enough rambling. 

Saturday 10 January 2009

Saturday 10th January 2009

Well Lydia did her first week at nursery this week. It went really well, except for four minor incidents :
on Tuesday (the first time I left her there - on Monday I stayed with her) first of all she apparently got really upset when she was playing with a shell in the sand-table, and a boy took it away from her.
Then later she wanted to play with a jug that another boy was playing with, and he wouldn't give it to her, so she smacked him! Not good!
On Thursday she got a bit agitated when it was story time, and she didn't want to sit still and listen to the story, she wanted to be off playing. But apparently once it was explained to her that it was story time and she had to sit down, she did so and was okay.
Then on Friday she wet her knickers a tiny bit when she was trying to get her trousers down in the toilet. Just a really little bit. So she came home wearing knickers, tights, and a skirt lent to her by the nursery.

Other than those small things she did really well for her first week. She loves (really loves) going. I've been told by one of the teachers (teacher? Is that the right word for the women that work in a nursery?) that she's been really sociable and has already made lots of friends. That sounds about right. She's a chatterbox. No tears when I left her or anything like that - I didn't expect them though, she's never been the clingy type (unlike Alex!)

One downside to her starting nursery has been that both her and I  have come down with horrible colds. I knew it would happen - whenever she gets near any other kids she catches any colds they have, and I heard a lot of them coughing and sneezing in nursery this week, so it was inevitable. Alex and Phil haven't caught it from us yet, but I think it's just a matter of time.

We did another Price Plummet test auction yesterday. We thought we had all of the glitches sorted out, and that this would be the last test we would have to do before launching properly, but the server crashed again once during the day. I'm so gutted. Back to the drawing board. One lucky guy bagged himself a watch phone for under £40 yesterday (they're worth £130). 

My mam wants me to go and help her use her laptop again today. I've shown her how to use that thing more times than I can count. She just obviously must not listen. She even writes down the steps I tell her to open it, turn it on, wait for it to load up, click on Internet Explorer, and then surf the net. It's not rocket science for goodness sake. All she wants it for is to search on Jet2 holidays in any case - what could be simpler? She seemed to have gotten the hang of it a few months ago....but now she's reverted back to "I don't know how to use my laptop" mode again. ARGH so frustrating.
I remember when I tried to teach her how to send text messages a few years ago, and I never succeeded. Somebody else finally taught her how to do it. Why can't somebody else teach her how to use the damn laptop as well? Clearly, anything I say to her goes in one ear and out of the other! I have no patience for it to be honest.

In other news, I cut Alex's hair on Monday. After his bath, I just sort of hacked at him with the kitchen scissors. It came out looking not bad. The fringe was a bit wonky at first because he wouldn't keep still, but I straightened it up later. His first proper haircut (he's had a fringe cut before but not the rest of his hair) - I put the hair in a tissue and put it with his baby book.





Right I'm off. I don't really know what else to say, and I've waffled on enough anyway.

Saturday 3 January 2009

Saturday 3rd January 2009

Okay, I've decided to delete my previous blog posts. Lets face it, they were rubbish, and didn't say very much about me other than the fact that I'm overweight and I whinge a lot!

So, new year, new beginning. 

Ironically I can't think of a great deal to say at the moment. Figures!

I've had a very quiet Christmas and New Year. I single handily cooked Christmas dinner (I'm not the worlds best chef, and I'm sorry to say I undercooked the sausages, and the pigs in blankets). That was quite an achievement on my part it has to be said. The turkey was pretty darned good if I do say so myself, and the parsnips were done well too :) All in all, although not brilliant, I was happy enough with the result. 


Not that we had many people round for Christmas dinner. Only my mam. So I didn't have many people to impress. Mind you she didn't eat a great deal (she had previously eaten some lunch at my uncle's house) so a lot of the food went to waste (even after devouring leftovers the following day). So that was a shame.

New Year was just spent at home. I really wanted to go out but the kids were tired so they had to go bed at a reasonable time. I guess we'll have chance to go out when they get older.

I'm currently waiting for Phil (my hubby) to wake up. It's after 12.30pm for goodness sake! I was up at 9am with the kids but he's still sleeping. I think I'm going to send Lydia (my daughter) upstairs to bounce on his bed at some point soon. 

Lydia has been driving me insane lately. She's being the very definition of 'defiant'. It's been a week or two now and she's not letting up - literally EVERYTHING we tell her to do, she does the opposite. It's starting to send me crazy. I hate telling her off a bazillion times a day, but she's not leaving me with much alternative. She starts nursery on Monday so I'm hoping she'll burn off a little excess energy there by playing with the  other children and running around in the playground. Maybe she'll mellow slightly.

Alex (my son) on the other hand has been quite lovely lately. 

Phil and I are planning on starting Slimming World again this week, so I will be keeping up updated on that at some point, but I don't want to turn this into purely a food diary like I was doing previously. That's a bit boring!

Okay, that's enough for now, tarra.