Friday 30 January 2009

Friday 30th January 2009

So, I have extreme backache, nausea, and a toddler who insists on headbutting me every 5 seconds. Lovely.

Oh goodie, as I typed that he threw a fit at me, launched himself off my knee whilst biting my thumb in the process, and is now standing on the floor clinging dramatically to my leg whilst screaming "WHERE DADDDDYYYYY?"

Patiently explaining to a 17 month old child that daddy is in bed because he stayed up till 6.30am working on the auction website is not getting the best reception right now.

I wish I had stayed in bed myself! But no, I had to be up at half seven as usual to take Lydia to nursery. Incidentally I'm going to have to pick her up soon. At least that will stop Alex from wailing "WHERE DYDIA???" which is what he was doing earlier.

Okay, phew, he's calmed down. He's now intently studying the cover of Bridget Jones' Diary which he has just pulled out of the DVD cabinet. He always goes for that one. Only that one. My friend Amy says he must be in need of a girly night in. That's slightly worrying!

My dad has sort of guessed my big news, although I've avoided responding to his guess directly. I changed the subject. 

I'm going to go and get Lydia now. I'm hungry I might grab a bite to eat before I go. I've not eaten anything yet today and I've been up nearly 4 hours so I think I'm entitled to a bit of brekkie!

Hasta Luego

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